Environmental Ethics Essay: A List Of 7 Brilliant Ideas For Your Paper

Due to the advancements in technology, the interactions humans have with their environment has come under much scrutiny. Many people believe that humans do not treat the environment from massively contributing to global warming to drastically cutting down rainforests. However, on the other side, many say the fact that humans have taken big steps to solving these problems is proof that humans cherish the environment. In this article we will present seven brilliant ideas for your paper on this fascinating topic.


We need to discuss how to write an ethics essay before we get onto the brilliant ideas we have in store for you. Since modern environmental ethics relies quite heavily on scientific data to analyze how humans interact with eh environment, you should also be including empirical evidence and statistics in your paper.

What citing sources does is that it greatly strengthens your argument and this will mean that you will be marked high for logically arguing your viewpoint.

The structure of your essay should also be easy to follow for your reader and comprehend. As such, we recommend the following format to your paper:

  • Introduction: This will include your thesis statement and a brief overview of the main topics you will discuss in your paper.
  • Main body: The main body of your paper will be where you get down to the nitty gritty. This is where you will bring in your sources and analyze them.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion ties up all your talking points and provides a summarization of your work.


The following are seven ethics essay topics we have compiled that will lead you to success in your paper:

  • Global warming and its likley impacts
  • What solutions are there to slow the rate of deforestation?
  • What should be the value foundations of a revised model of sustainable development?
  • How will environmental ethics impact the future wave of envrironmental refugees?
  • How can fair access to environmental justice be achieved in less developed countries?
  • How can wildfires be reduced through controlling global warming?
  • What are the effects of global warming on healthcare?

These topics have been handpicked as ones that will give you the chance to incorporate many different sources in your paper.

All in all, to succeed in your environmental ethics assignment, you will need to analyze many different sources, along with choosing a unique topic, which we have provided through our list of seven brilliant topics.