How To Write A Conclusion For An Essay: Step-By Step Guide For Newbies

Students who are new to the world of essay writing particularly struggle with composing conclusions. This is due to the fact that the conclusion forces you to compress a whole paper’s worth of writing and ideas into one paragraph. It does take some practice and experience to write a good conclusion if you don't use college essay examples, but this step-by-step guide will help you in writing an awesome conclusion for your first paper.


As mentioned previously, the biggest obstacle students face when learning how to write an essay conclusion is the fact that they need to compress a whole paper into a small paragraph at the end. The best way to accomplish this is to imagine that you are writing a small blurb for your paper at the end.

Think of blurbs at the back of a book; it can tell you a lot about the book just in a few lines. The same principle applied to a conclusion, you aim to summarize your main talking points in a few lines.

The best way to accomplish this is by stating your thesis statement. You will have stated it in your introduction, but a good conclusion will restate it again.

Once you have repeated your thesis statement, you should reiterate your main talking points in your essay. The goal here is not to simple repeat yourself; as if you do this then the impact of your talking points will be lost. The tone of your conclusion should be to persuade your reader to your point of view. You conclusion should mirror your introduction in terms of the ideas you introduce and the arguments you make.

The conclusion is not the place where you introduce new concepts and ideas but rather it is where you reiterate the main talking points of your paper and summarize what you have talked about. The conclusion should also not be too long, and be roughly the same size as your introduction.

For more information on how to write a good conclusion for an essay and for helpful hints we highly recommend that you visit the following link.

We hope that this step-by-step guide has greatly helped in making you understand how to construct a conclusion to your work. A conclusion is extremely important as it ties up all your talking points to your thesis statement and so should not be neglected, like how many newbies tend to do and pay the price for.
